Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Well, we got on the bus alright last night heading for Dong Ha, but things didn't go quite according to plan. We managed to sleep most of the way so the trip was fine, but we ended up at the wrong destination. The bus went further south and we ended up in Hue instead. This may be a blessing in disguise, however. We found a great hotel for a cheap price and are going to stay here through Xmas. This room has a computer and free internet in the room. Plus, it has satellite television, which is truly a blessing after nearly 6 weeks on the road. We are looking forward to some downtime as the weather across all of Vietnam blows right now. It is rainy and cold everywhere. Hue seems like a nice little city with plenty of good food and sights to see. It is only about an hour south of our original destination so we will still be able to tour the DMZ easily. Here are some pics from yesterday at the park.


Anonymous said...

Looked at Hue on the internet. Looks really nice.
Erik-looks like you're getting thin. Take care. Scarey cave!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys... looks fun as usual... I'm back in skee town for the holidays. It's nice to relax a little after the hectic semester. I heard there a lot of school girls in white dress in Hue. Something it's known for... try to get some photos...

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, I don't know what's scarier, the vertical cliff or the look on Eriks face, (a hangovers a hangover, the world around). Love seeing all the green since we have a lot of white, rainy today and tomorrow though. Miss you, going to a b'day party for your mom tonight. Happy Holidays from the Lees. Happy trails, Mary