Woke up early to make it over to Ho Chi Minh's final resting place. It can get quite crowded since Uncle Ho is so beloved here. It was pretty interesting to see his body on display a la Lenin. The guards make sure you keep moving around the glass case he is entombed in and twice I was pulled forward for straggling. Unfortunately, no cameras are allowed so you will have to settle for pics from the outside. I was snatched out of line by a guard on the stairs up for what I was sure was a trip to a political re-education camp, but it turns out he was just worried about the bulge my wallet was making in my pocket. Afterwards, we toured the presidential palace and Uncle Ho's older more modest dwellings. We were fortunate enough to see his old garage and a few of his cars still preserved inside. I can just see Ho now, cruising the streets in his Porsche. A trip to the Ho museum was next, although we didn't spend much time. Anyway, Ho is the man around here. And rightly so. Who wouldn't worship a man that beat the French colonialists? I'm surprised he isn't more revered in the States for this simple reason. I hope these posts are getting through. We have not been able to view the blog ourselves. Apparently it is some sort of restricted site and has been blocked at every net place we have tried. At least we are able to post.
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