I think the Universe has an issue with me because my karma has been all out of whack. Last week, I had to go up to my district office to sign my contract and do paperwork. I was so nervous about the first encounter with my colleagues, I spent quite a bit of time the evening prior getting ready. I obsessively made sure EVERYTHING I needed was packed up and ready to go. Mostly, I was nervous about the drive - it was the first time I would be navigating Highway 25 by myself, with no idea of where I was going. So, in responsible fashion, I left myself an HOUR to get there. Turns out, it wasn't hard to get to the ad building, and because I left myself so much time, I arrived a half hour early. I park the car, congratulate myself, and turn to get my stuff... all of which I left sitting on the counter at home. Un-FU*K-ing believable! Ended up being over 20 minutes late after I hightailed it back home, then back again.
So that sucked. Then came yesterday. Yesterday was my first day of "training" so once again, I got OCD on my sh*t the night before. My mom told me to put my stuff right in front of the door, so I did, and I remembered it this time. Again, I left myself plenty of time to get to there. I was pulling up to the blinking light at the on-ramp, getting ready to take off out of the gate, when this dufus next to me starts making lewd gestures. (I was both disgusted and secretly flattered that I've "still got it" by the way). THEN I realize that he's telling me to roll down my window, which I do, to find out that I have a flat tire. Seriously?
Instant tears. Couldn't believe it. Thankfully, a tow truck driver just happened to be getting on the highway a few minutes later, and he changed my tire in literally about 3 minutes. I even showed up on time. Amazing. I have to think that means my luck is changing.