Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Random Florida Shots

Just wanted to post a few photos from our stay in Florida. We got the opportunity to spend some time with Erik's nieces... Rachel will be 3 next week, and Gianna is just 7 1/2 weeks old. The orange visor is part of an outfit we bought her at the biker rally - the onesie that goes with it reads "When I grow up, I want to ride a Harwee."

Roscoe and Trixie got to enjoy the ocean at the doggie beach - Roscoe's fur reacts quite nicely to the salt water, don't you think?

1 comment:

The Lallo Family said...

Super cute kiddos! Change your mind about having one guys?!?!?! Tee hee, you KNOW I'll never stop! Looks like a fun time!