As previously mentioned, my Mom and Mark threw us a fabulous going away party, and the neighbors hosted the entertainment - a 200 foot adult slip-n-slide lubed up with dawn dish soap and water. It started off innocently enough, but by the end of the night, brave souls were taking to the plastic run with anything they could find - cooler tops, garbage can lids, and even a full-size canoe. Thank God no one was injured!
While no one needed to bring presents, I certainly felt the love from my friends. Thanks, ladies! And a special thanks to Heather for getting me the lovely "I heart school" socks I am sporting in the top photo. Looking good as usual. :)
Ok you said slip and slide but you didn't mention it was THIS CRAZY!!!
HOLY SHIT!!! I seriously can't believe nobody got hurt! SO FUN!
I can't believe no one got hurt either - it was not the most responsible evening of our lives, but it was certainly memorable.
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