Monday, November 21, 2005


We have arrived safely and are planning a relaxing dinner, beer, then sleep. It has been a long day.


Anonymous said...

As I sit in my office, i am increasingly more envious of your excursions! Cant wait to see more!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the next destination. By the way, Michigan lost to OSU:(

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys are having a great time. I love being able to read about everything along the way. Happy Thanksgiving!!

Anonymous said...

Yup... sad but true... Michigan lost the battle this year. Kind of glad I wasn't able to watch the game... saved me some frustration. Looking forward to seeing pics of uhhhh... Sukhothai. So how do you pronounce that anyway... is it like "Suck hot tai" or is it more like "Soo ko tai?" I'm guessing the latter. Have fun! Hey Erik... I might be going to see People Under the Stairs on the 10th. I'll let you know later. Later...

Anonymous said...

It is great to see your progress. Still like beer?

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just testing to see how this thing works! Don't know what to do exactly. This is my second attempt. If it goes through, then MAYBE, I can put some notes on this site! If a couple messages come through, then, OH WELL!

Anonymous said...

Ry - you are correct - it's pronounced Soo- ko- tai. It's about the only Thai word we can pronounce correctly at this point, so that was a great question! Nice to hear from all of you!! I checked espn for the score the other day - disappointing loss, but it looks like it was a good game. We'll get 'em next year. :) Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Oh - by the way, mom - the beer is actually not bad. Thailand makes a few major names in beer- Singha (pronounced 'Sing'), Beer Chang, and Ber Leo. Singha is the best and most expensive - around 50-60 baht (40 baht = $1 USD). That's the one we like. I do have to admit that it's not that I like beer again, but it's just easier to say "Singha" as opposed to trying to figure out how to say anything else.

Anonymous said...

We see that several people have informed you of the results of the OSU/ Michigan game. Actually, the Buckeyes looked pretty inept on more than a few occasions, but managed to look impressive when it counted. Columbus was rocking Saturday night, but Tom wouldn't rub that in, would he????
Two questions: how's the food, and has the language barrior been an obstacle?
Jenn, your website is terrific!! We love following your progress.
When do you guys ride elephants?
Be safe!

Anonymous said...

Tom & Holly - you are playing with fire on this site - I do believe all but one of my friends are Mich fans (congrats, Mer!). It's OK - like I said, there's always next year. Enjoy it while you can, Buckeyes!

The food has been interesting - we have been eating a lot of rice and noodle dishes. Some of the chilis they use here are very hot and we have learned the hard way. :) The language barrier depnds on where we are. Bangkok was pretty easy - enough people speak English to get by pretty well. Currently, we are in a very small town with hardly any English, so we do a lot of pointing. The Thai people are great though, and we have not felt lost or freaked out by anything really.

By the way - Erik is responsible for most of the blog posting and witty remarks. Trust me, comments about my bad hair days and awful pictures of me eating fruit would not make it onto the site if I were in charge!