Last night we went to our first sporting event and it was quite a spectacle. Thai boxing is not quite the same as American boxing as pretty much anything goes. These guys beat each other senseless using feet, arms, knees, and elbows to any part of the body. Not to mention that some of the fights were between kids. I'm talking 8 to 12 years old for some of the fights. We saw 3 people get knocked out cold, one of which staggered out of the venue a few minutes later with his entourage propping him up. This guy had been down for quite awhile. Very brutal, but oh so entertaining to witness. We also saw one kid, maybe 18 or 20, get kneed in the nuts pretty severely. We didn't know how bad it was because he kept fighting for about 20-30 seconds. Then, he simply wobbled over to the side of the ring and puked over the ropes. Awesome! It was a crazy atmosphere with everyone throwing bets around and drinking like madmen. A nice Scotsman that owns the pub next to the arena joined us for the fights and taught us all the ins and outs. Plus he had Monday Night Football on this morning so we got up early to watch the game and have breakfast. Steelers.....Ouch. Sorry, Lyns. The lighting was not conducive to pictures, but we tried our best. You can also see our guesthouse so you can see we are not living in complete squalor over here.
Hey... but what about those Bears... damn, possibly a Super Bowl?? Or maybe I'm just caught up in the Chicago mayhem? Regardless, they look pretty damn good. Hey Erik... you keeping up with the fantasy team?? Can't imagine you have much time to watch football for 12 hours straight in SE Asia. I got an extension on the Com. Serv. today!!! Whoooooo Hoooooo!!
The game this morning was the first I've seen, but I don't need to watch to win. I still roll to victory every week without it.
Damn your smooth...
We are enjoying the running commentary of your trip. Boy, you have seen more in a few days than we have in a lifetime. Sounds like all is well. Take care and stay safe.
Love it all. Looks like you've had nice places to stay. Cooking-elephants-and everything! Hope you're enjoying it. Stay safe-love you.
Soooooo smooth
Wow - we've got the whole family checking in! It's so nice to hear from all of you guys. We are having a fantastic time and consider ourselves very lucky to have this opportunity. We've seen so much asnd we're only in our third week! I miss you guys tons and hope you are all doing well! Love you!!
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