Friday, July 24, 2009

Babies, Babies Everywhere!

One of my best friends had a baby while I was home, and I got the opportunity to meet the little guy before we left. I also found out that another of my BFF's is pregnant with her first child. Craziness! I am so happy for them both!


Katy said...

Who's baby? Adorable and who is preggers? What is in the water in Muskegon?

Jenn said...

No kidding! This little guy is Shel & Randy Mack's - SO cute! I will fill you in on the other when we chat - not sure it's up to me to be spreading that one around the net yet! :)

The Lallo Family said...

Love the pic of little Noah! What a cutie! And about the "other" friend...ISN'T IT AWESOME!!!! I am so happy I could SCREAM! Now I just need to get you knocked up....wait not me...Eric, you know what I mean! :)
Love ya!

Unknown said...

Lallos post - very funny!!